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If you face difficulties with your buyer, you can initiate a dispute. This functionality enables members to resolve their misunderstandings and provides them with an opportunity to express their point of view.
When you initiate a dispute, you will be in direct contact with the buyer.
The Delcampe Team will only be informed of the dispute and of your need for assistance if you request mediation.

As a seller, you can select one of following reasons for initiating a dispute:

  • Payment not received
  • Unjustified negative feedback
  • No response from the buyer

To open a dispute

  1. Go to the page "Open a dispute"
  2. Select seller status
  3. Enter the item number (no space and no preceding # sign)
  4. Select the item of the dispute in the scrolling menu
  5. Provide a brief explanation
  6. Click on "Open a dispute"

If the buyer doesn’t respond or you receive an answer but can’t reach an agreement, you can request intervention by Delcampe via the "Request mediation" button. This button will be displayed after two exchanges, or after 14 days when no answer is received from the seller.

A dispute can be opened minimum 7 days and maximum 90 days after the close date of the sale.